Looking Out
There is so much going on these days in the world outside my fence that it’s hard not to notice, but one thing’s for sure, trying to get reliable news about anything, is a little bit like drinking from a fire hose. The stories come at me in bits and pieces and new bits replace old pieces before I can figure out what the first bit meant and follow ups get lost in all the confusion if any follow ups come at all. It’s enough to make someone want to run and hide, except that may be the point, although that just might be me trying to give purpose to random events.
In addition, I’m not well enough educated to have any well informed opinions on financial matters or even geopolitics. I’ve randomly heard that tariffs are bad, but that’s just because I read about the great depression and the involvement of tariffs. And I think Russia is bad because of the Cold War. And I have no idea why people feel threatened by immigrants. I also think it’s unlikely a president can unilaterally close a government agency created by law, because, and this is based only on my high school civics, as I understand it laws can only be repealed by creators of the laws i.e. Congress. But Congress seems pretty quiet and complacent these days, so I’m not sure what’s going on there.
In the end I feel like a blade of grass on the savanna watching a herd of fighting elephants come my way. All I can do is stay put and hope I don’t get trampled, as I raise my plaintive cry to heaven and hope that someone hears in time to avert whatever disaster is waiting to befall me, if any at all. My only solace is remembering that the dinosaurs thought they had a lock on things until they didn’t, and kings once thought they were ordained by God, until people told them different.