Moon Thoughts

Our forecast high today is 106 degrees Fahrenheit. That is entirely too hot for this neck of the woods. That’s Phoenix weather. It’s the sort of weather that gets excused by people telling you it’s a dry heat. Well, so’s an oven and I don’t chose to live in one. Except, now I have no choice, at least for today, the weather is coming. I will abide. As I did yesterday, and there is always the morning.

I am up, and in it. The morning. I got a good look at the super moon. Of course, no picture does it justice. It’s one of those eye of the beholder things. You just have to see it. I saw it. It looked pretty. But I pretty much look at the moon every morning, because I’m almost always up early, and I like going outside in the pre-dawn dark to get the lay of the land, and moonlit pastures are special.

Heck, moonlit anythings are special. Mountains, bays, lakes, people. It’s hard to think of something that doesn’t look good in the moonlight. And yes, I realize, it’s not really the moon’s light, it’s the sun on the other side of earth, chiming in with it’s two cents, reminding us that it’s coming. And I wonder if the moon yearns to be part of the earth again, thinking it’s not really fair you cast me aside, I came to you with such promise and you only kept part of me, and cast the rest aside.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



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