Moving On


This is it. Today’s the day. For the last month, on the mornings when I published my usual Note, I saw this warning: John, creating and editing notes will be unavailable after October 31. We know your posts are important, so any published notes will stay published on your profile. However, any unpublished drafts will be deleted. It was a personal message from Facebook saying it is shutting down my platform. I could go back to posting in my status as I did when I first started in 2014, but I’m taking another tack.

On Monday, when I reappear, it will be through a link to a with a blog of its own under the auspices of Gatewood Press who is publishing and selling my new book, The Long Goodbye; A Caregiver’s Tale. If you go there now, it will show as private. It opens Monday. In the interest of full disclosure, I own the press. So, it was easy to wangle an invitation. Anyone who has ever argued with themselves knows how to win the argument. So, I spent the last month kibitzing as the website got built and the book published, and the time is now.

It’s sad to stop doing it on Facebook. Seven years is a long time, and I’ve done nearly 1,800 posts of this type. But it’s a technology platform and platforms change and it’s their business and I’ll adapt. Besides, sometimes you need a nudge to change directions, and I’ve usually found it to be a good thing when it happens to me personally. So, off I go. I’ll write on my new platform, post a link on Facebook, and pretend I’m on the cutting edge, which for an old guy, I may actually be, on the cutting edge. But I really should be careful, that bell may be tolling for me or I’m about to sliced by the knife, which is why I count on my younger friends to help me. See you Monday.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

The Day We Danced


Beneath the Passing Birds