
I spent most of the day yesterday in a state of anticipation. A house concert was on the horizon for that evening. I watched the Ryder Cup. I watched the clock on the wall. I watched the Ryder Cup. As the time to get ready approached, I checked an email to confirm the time the doors opened. I wanted to be punctilious. What I found was an email sent last Tuesday, cancelling the show. Suddenly, I had no place to go. Apparently, my attention to detail was a bit lacking. It made me laugh.

I had to call the host and tell him because I thought it was funny. He laughed, too and we talked a bit about music. Afterwards, I went back to watching the Ryder Cup, which was okay with me, because I like golf, although I remember when I first encountered golf on TV, I wondered why people watched because I thought it was really hard to see that little white ball on a little black and white screen. Then I started playing the game, and I came to understand the fascination.

Anyway, here I am on a Sunday morning, ready to watch more golf, which I anticipate, and in addition, I’m also anticipating an evening with friends. I believe this one will come off without a hitch. But you never know. The world is full of surprises. But whatever happens, I’ll try to adjust, lift up my eyes and focus on something else just down the road because that appears to be a fairly successful way to navigate life, pulling yourself along, one handhold at a time.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

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