The full moon is coming. I like full moons. It came to my attention last night. I woke at an early hour and noticed the pasture bathed in soft light. A quick query found the cause was a waxing gibbous moon. It will be full on Friday. Seems fortuitous. I am spending the evening with friends and at the end there will be a full moon to greet us as we come into the night after listening to music. I’m not a big one for signs, but I do like quirky happenstance, and that seems quirky, and happenstancey, too.

And the later is not really a word, but it fits and maybe one day the Oxford English dictionary will look back and find that happenstancey entered the English language on January 4, 2023 in an obscure blog written by John Wilson. Or maybe not. I guess someone would have to discover the word and start using it. Or someone has already coined it and it’s on its way. In either case, there’s most likely no way my name is getting into the Oxford English Dictionary, unless I buy one and sign it.

And wow, this took a strange turn. But, hey, sometimes things take strange turns with me. I just role with it. And I should have used roll, but I’ll keep role, since we’re talking quirky, and I’ll say that in this strange turn, I was taking the role of an author and thus, I roled with it. And maybe that’s a new use for the word, too, as in I role. I play a role, as opposed to acting. Roleing is more subtle. And I need to stop, this is verging on being silly.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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