News Day

I like it when the big news in the life of a retiree is a change in the city’s waste handling provider. It’s happening to me. What does it mean? I get two new totes, trash day is now on Thursday, and there is a designated bulky item day. The latter is really the best news. Because bulky items are what typically pile up around the house and in the yard, giving a place that junky air.

The second piece of news today is the misty rain falling this morning. I doubt it presages anything stupendous, but rain is rain is rain and water falling from the sky in any form is good. We’ll take it. It feels as though we’ve had no measurable precipitation this spring, but it also seems as though I haven’t been home long enough to know. I’d say I need to slow down, but I have somewhere to go this weekend. I think I might need to chat with my scheduler. Me.

My final bit of news is that I finished a book yesterday for the first time in a long while, courtesy of my improved eye and a pair of reading glasses. I am so excited. My refuge from the real world is back. I’d say just in time, but things aren’t really that bad. It’s just that books are a nice antidote for my tendency to ruminate which happens when I have spare time. My brain is like, I’m bored, can I worry about this, I think I will, mountains from molehills made right here. And now I can say, no. Read this. And it will and life will be way more fun. For me, at least.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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