Night Thoughts 3

This is it. the final night thoughts. It’s about happiness and how it’s under your control. Sounds sort of self-centered, as if you now have carte blanche to do whatever you feel like doing. But it’s actually all about reactions. Feelings. Hear a sharp word? Have a kindness rebuffed? Suffer rejection? Lose something? The response is yours to make. Sure. There may well be sadness, anger or despair, but you can hold it like a stone in your hand. Examine it. Acknowledge it. Then put it down and go on about your business.

There’s another freedom to it, as well. The happiness of others is no longer your responsibility. Again, it sounds self-centered. But think of it this way. You offer a gift. Do a kindness. Be thoughtful. Only to meet rejection or demands for more. All that needs doing is to ensure you’ve been true to yourself and done your best. Then you can leave the other to their unhappiness because that’s their choice. They’ve decided to put the stone in their pocket and carry it with them.

Needless to say, this is all amateur psychology stuff. It’s me trying to understand how I can make it through life. Be happy. Give others happiness when they’ll take it. In a sense, I guess it’s all about acceptance. Accepting others as they are. Accepting the hand life deals me. Accepting my imperfections. Accepting my responsibilities. But choosing happiness and trying to share it. Because in the end, I really want to be part of the light rather than the darkness.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

One More Thing


Night Thoughts 2