Nighttime Doings

Fall foliage, lacy oak

There are three cameras monitoring the nightly comings and going of the local wildlife, which consist mainly of a fox, two skunks, a possum, an occasional deer, and what I’m sure is an assort of raccoons. And excuse me, but the slide holding my keyboard just dropped loose from its fittings. Okay, I’m back. Between the period and the O, I discovered the problem and fixed it. A screw wallowed out and I replaced it with a fatter screw. No more wallowing for now.

Back to the animals. The raccoon visits have dropped off lately probably because it’s winter and they’re not fans of the cold, plus I’m better at taking up the cat food at night. The fox and the skunks on the other hand are regulars. The fox is pretty solitary and there may be more than one. Their markings are harder to see than the skunks. They’re extra sensitive to the camera coming on, and they notice whatever subtle sound it makes. It’s sort of cute when they cast a suspicious glance its way.

The skunks on the other hand are head down hunters and they move fast. Just the other day I saw the two skunks together, tails raised, walking along, hand in hand. Several minutes later I saw them again. The first skunk had come up a set of stairs in the back and turned to wait for the second. It was touching. There was a bit of tail raised backing up by one of them, it seemed a little like courtship to me, but I think it’s the wrong season. Maybe, it was a little, hey, come see me this spring. Although, seriously, can it ever be the wrong season for love?

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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