Nothing Really

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Dad joke time. Yesterday, as I was driving to visit a friend, I turned down a country road. There was a sign that said, Rough Road. My first thought was of the Jets and the Sharks from West Side Story, and the possibility of me encountering a bunch of guys in white tee-shirts who would stop me and say, hey, what are you doing here, in our neighborhood. But that passed.

Then, I turned down a second road, getting deeper into the countryside. There was another sign. Loose livestock. I thought of a heifer lounging on the side of the road, giving come-hither glances, and asking if I was looking for a good time. But that’s probably Far Side material or no material at all. Just Dad being weird. It would certainly make my kids roll their eyes.

Anyway, I had a nice visit with my friend. We ate breakfast. Sat outside in the cool breeze, and just enjoyed being together in the soft morning air. I brought homemade donuts. I made my way home and wiled away the time waiting to visit other friends that evening. Made that drive without incident, and no strange signs, although I did miss one turn. Arrived safely, however, got hugs from the kids, had a nice meal, lots of laughs, and drove home, alone, in the dark.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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