Ordinary Time

There’s a bracing chill in the air this morning. The trash can was dutifully hauled to the street, and the cats fed. The latter’s dish was on the ground when I went out. a sure sign the raccoons were last to feed. I’ve encountered a possum or two, but raccoons bring families to the diner, and they’re boisterous. Of course, I could put up one of my cameras to record the goings on, but I’m happy to live in the land of conjecture.

I need to get my car inspected today. It’s title renewal time. It’s one of those semi-onerous ordeals adults endure to live in a modern society. Mostly it involves waiting. I can remember the days of my youth, however, the days of short dollars, when the inspection might be an ordeal in is there enough tread on my tires or how good are the brakes, actually. Luckily, those days are past. a combination of better cars, better jobs, and better planning on my part.

The to-do list for the rest of the weekend mostly involves music and gatherings with friends. I like those to-dos, because, ta-da, they’re fun. It’s the best part of having friends, gathering with them to do things, to be together, to share. Although, the other good part is having them in times of trouble, because the good friends are there, rain or shine. And I’ve been blessed with that sort of friend since my high school days and I seem to accrue more as time goes on. Life is good. My friends are good. See you on the road.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



