Party On

Good morning. The house is quiet. The kids are all asleep. Dad should still be asleep as well, but sunlit windows tell dads brain the day has started and what in the world are you doing in bed. So, dad is up but staying in his room because the oldest son is asleep on the couch. Dad will wait a bit before creeping out to see what is up.

The Houston kids are here to celebrate the youngest son’s birthday and we’re going to do that by sleeping in the woods tonight, because that’s what he likes. We’ll also tromp around looking for artifacts, and bugs and rocks and all that outdoorsy stuff we all love. We’ll have a campfire, grill hotdogs, tell stories and consider it a fine day and time well spent.

We had visions of a tempest last night, but nothing came of it. We didn’t even really get much sound. Just a nice light show off in the distance. I’m telling you, this is going to be a hot dry summer. Yesterday, I was outside and got the first inkling of what the sun has in store for us this year. It was hot and I was glad no outside work was planned. Oh well. The pool. It’s clean and ready and I know the kids will be back to swim in it. So, party on.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



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