Road Noise

Here I am again, writing away from home. It’s okay, though. I’m at the home of my eldest. I have a doctor’s appointment this morning. A dentist. Regular stuff. Usually, I try to drive in the morning of my appointment then home again, but I thought this time I’d come in the night before. Good choice. It’s raining right now. That would have made for a long, long day.

My son and I played guitars last night, working on an arrangement for a song I wrote recently. Two amateurs doing amateur stuff, but it was fun, and it will inform how I play the song at the next picker’s circle. He only took up the guitar in his forties and ten years in he’s getting quite proficient. It was a nice bookend to my weekend, where I made music with my other two children during the celebration of my grandson’s birthday.

Some time soon, I hope the four of us will sit down to play again. A gathering of the Wiggly Fingered Zombies, which is what we call ourselves for no particular reason. At the moment however my eldest is busy with his daughter’s senior track season and preparations for his son’s impending graduation from college. Big doings in both cases. When it’s done, he’ll probably need a weekend of music to help recover. That’s fine. We’ll all be waiting. A family gathered in song. That sounds sweet.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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