Standing Up

It feels strange sitting down to write at 11:30 when I normally wrap things up by 6:30 or seven, but here we are, nearly noon. An early morning doctor’s appointment coupled with a bit of a sleep-in conspired against me. The latter domino fell because on the previous night I got less than five hours sleep. Just one of those nights when the brain wouldn’t stop. So, last night was catch up time, although they say you can’t really make up sleep like that.

Yesterday was another good day in the yard. I trimmed up some old muhly’s that had fallen into disrepair and planted some grass brought to me by friends. I mowed as well, and now the yard has that nice suburban feel which says to all the world, look here’s a guy who’s got it under control. As if. Little does anyone know, control is the last thing I have, except that I’ve learned to fake it and I can do a pretty good happy face.

Anyway, I’m going to work on the flower beds flanking the driveway today. Mostly I have to put the stone edging back in place. I’ll be working beneath the big sage that is starting to bud out along most of its branches. It’s nice to see the Sage coming back from the big freeze. If we could just get a good rain, I think that would help the entire process. But in the spirit of being grateful for what I have, I’ll be happy for the cool weather and thankful that once I get down on my knees in the dirt to dig, I still have the wherewithal to stand back up.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Good Friday


More to Come