Stars and Birds

It’s another fine fall morning. Venus is so bright in the dark before sunrise it seems unreal. As are the rest of the stars for that matter. Jupiter hangs shining in the west, while Orion’s belt tightens everything up in the Southwest. The Hill Country may well be developing, but you can still see the stars at night and it’s fun to look up at them. No idea how long it will last however, developers seem to think we want to see their buildings at all hours of the night, so they festoon them with lights and leave them on all night.

My breath turned to fog as I hung the bird feeder this morning. We’ve had some interesting guests the last few days. Two jays stopped by yesterday, so pale they looked almost white. And there were woodpeckers too. And a little bird ran into my window and needed rescue. He fit in the palm of my hand, stunned, and tilting badly. I set him down behind the stone wall, out of sight of marauding cats and checked on him periodically, until he finally fluttered away. Safe.

I started work on the next section of fence. Dug up two hackberries and moved some rocks. I need to lower the grade a bit to level things up with the first section. A lot of dirt has piled up against the fence over the years, thanks to wind and rain, the great forces that level mountains. I’ll undo their handiwork with a shovel. It’s not too late. I also finished my mowing. The back lots are clean, and the bluebonnets have a clear shot at the sky. Productive day for an old man.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Another Lesson


Winter Thoughts