Strange Attractor

It rained. One half of one inch. The ground is wet. I doubt any creek knows the difference. Still, it’s nice to be cool and wet. The plants are happy. So am I. We might get more rain today, tomorrow, sometime next week. We’re also scheduled for a cold front. The polar vortex is headed our way. Halloween promises to be cold, or not. The forecasts vary.

It’s weird how upset people get when weather forecasts are less than accurate. Why does anyone expect perfection when it comes to forecasting weather? Surely, at some point, the lesson must have come across that you can never know what tomorrow, or a look, or a touch will bring. There are just too many variables in the weather and the human psyche. It’s best, really, just hope for the best, and be as happy as you can be with the results.

In the end, it’s easy. There are things under your control, and there’s everything else. And I think I’ve said this before, in fact, I know I have. I guess the idea is some sort of strange attractor that keeps showing up as my chaotic ideas flow around it. There’s probably a formula for that, too. But math. In the meantime, I’ll just keep talking and see what happens. But I bet I can figure out a way to plot this. And wouldn’t that make for a pretty graph?

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



Earth Words