Summer Plans

For the last two days I’ve joked with friends about celebrating fall-like weather simply because the temperature was in the low 90s during the day. We’d laugh. Shake our heads. And know that it was wrong. This morning it is 68 and it does indeed feel like fall. That seems right, but we’ll see how the rest of the day goes, because sometimes I think mother nature simply lures us outside with these cool morning temps, to blast us with her afternoon sun. I hope she’s changed her ways.

I’ve already decided that come next summer this boy is heading north. I may trade in my sedan for a small SUV so that I can sleep wherever I stop. And having written that, it seems like a sound idea. I’ve leaned that way for a while anyhow. I love the way my sedan rides, but I haul stuff for my yard, house, and garden and an SUV would come in handy. I simply need to ensure I’m getting roughly similar gas mileage because gasoline seems to be a precious commodity these days. I’m using all my pretty pennies to get it when I need it.

But regardless of the type of vehicle I use to escape the summer heat, I am escaping next year. I’ve even heard tell of other people planning adventures that I could go on and that sounds fun. I’m going to keep my options open. Heck, back in the day, when I lived in Houston, we’d wait until the sun started going down and head to the beach. I should have done some of that this summer. Ocean breezes are restorative especially in early evening. And this is how summer plans start getting made.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



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