Kicking Myself
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Kicking Myself

I’m on a roll. I’ve cooked dinner for friends two nights in a row. The kids are coming tonight. So, that means two more dinners.

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Grief, Life John W Wilson Grief, Life John W Wilson


There’s a new world of light bulbs and it involves kelvins and lumens; one will tell you the color of the light and the other it’s brightness. Having been raised in an incandescent world, I can tell you I’ve had a hard time wrapping my head around it.

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Another Goodbye
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Another Goodbye

The husband of my wife’s favorite cousin passed away last night. The software I’m using to write this suggests I simply say he died. It feels a little abrupt. Passing away implies a continuation of a journey, which is something I’m certain he believed. So, I’m going to stick with that.

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