Warm Embrace
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Warm Embrace

Here’s some news I’ve yet to share. Just down the road from me, they’re building a multi-unit apartment complex. It’s one piece of property over. I can hear the construction vehicles constantly.

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Mind Candy
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Mind Candy

God bless the afternoon thunderstorm. I have no idea where they’re getting the energy to fire up, given how dry it’s been, but they’re firing up. Yesterday, I got a tenth of an inch on the homestead.

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What I Say
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

What I Say

Deer. They certainly have minds of their own. Several weeks ago, I had a little lost deer in the yard. She’s gone now. Found her way out. Her replacement is a fair-sized buck with one antler.

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