More Doings
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

More Doings

The good days continue, and if this is getting boring, I’m sorry. It’s off to Houston for another party. This time with friends and relatives at the daughter and son-in-law’s new home. More adoption celebrations.

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Going Home
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Going Home

I admit it. I turned off the radio last night with the Astros up 2-1 and a Philly on base. I have a weak constitution. I knew if they blew the lead and lost the game, I’d being going to bed feeling bad and it would be hard to sleep.

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Reason Enough
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Reason Enough

There is something like fall in the air. It is cool outside. It’s a nice way to be greeted in the morning. In addition, I woke up to find my collegiate football team pulled one out late last night after I went to sleep. Good for them.

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Sorrowful Day
Grief, Life John W Wilson Grief, Life John W Wilson

Sorrowful Day

Helped bury the mother of a friend yesterday. Sad business as always. She left behind a husband of seventy years and a home she’d lived in for fifty-six. An anomalous couple in this day and age of turnover marriages and turnover homes…

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Warm Embrace
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Warm Embrace

Coming home. It’s a quick turn off the big highway, a short drive down the lane, and a turn into the drive with a gate that opens quietly, offering me passage.

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The City
John W Wilson John W Wilson

The City

Ah, Houston. Moved there in 1962. Left in 2009. Sort of. I still went back to work, for a while. Eventually, however, I came to call the Hill Country home. But I doubt it will ever outshine the bayou city.

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One Piece
John W Wilson John W Wilson

One Piece

I’m happy to report I made it home in one piece, which sort of goes without saying, since I’m writing this.

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The View
John W Wilson John W Wilson

The View

It has come to this. From the drive as I enter it, I can no longer see the house. Trees obscure the view, trees that once were barely more than head high.

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Mary’s Angel
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Mary’s Angel

I fixed my broken garden angels. Two had heads returned to their shoulders, and the other was mounted and made ready for cemetery duty. As for the third, there’s a story.

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