My Stars
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

My Stars

Lavender. An unassuming star of our gardens. Star in the sense that it needs little water, has a lovely foliage color, and grows well in a relaxed sort of way.

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What You Have
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

What You Have

The spineless cacti in the beds on either side of the drive are as limp as melted butter. The recent freeze did them no favors. But the peach tree. Oh, my. In a day or two, I do believe it will put a redbud to shame.

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Around the Corner
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Around the Corner

The back porch garden has done well this winter. There are no weeds to speak of and only the blackfoot daisies look dead and gone. All that might need doing this spring is to refresh the mulch and replace the daisies if they fail a spring rebound.

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