Fade Out
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Fade Out

Here’s how you disappear from the world. There is a tiny picture on the wall between two mirrors in our bathroom. It is nondescript. It was put there by my late wife.

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The Women
Memory John W Wilson Memory John W Wilson

The Women

There were three women in my life as a child. My mother. My father’s mother, and her mother.

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Back to the Past
Memory John W Wilson Memory John W Wilson

Back to the Past

Something occurred to me yesterday. I never heard my parents complain or talk about current events. When the Mass went to English. Not a word from my mother. When the schools integrated, or Emmett Till was killed. Not a word from either parent.

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Loss and Recovery
Grief, Life John W Wilson Grief, Life John W Wilson

Loss and Recovery

The death of my friend this week got me thinking about the death of my wife. A natural progression. It’s been three and a half years since she died.

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Looking Ahead
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Looking Ahead

Spent most of the morning lying in bed thinking it was Sunday. No idea how that cropped up. I was also thinking about the virtual necropolis in my head for all the dead I know.

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Big Day
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Big Day

Big day ahead. I’m getting a new kitchen appliance. A dishwasher. Wow. What excitement. No. Seriously, what excitement.

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More to Come
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

More to Come

It has started. At first it was a trickle. Now, its more or less a steady stream. The clothes of my departed wife are leaving. Hardly of their own volition, of course.

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