Shifting Currents
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Shifting Currents

Almost bought an angel. Did buy a Santa. Angels were my wife’s thing, until they weren’t. One Christmas she said no more angels. I guess we were full up. Santa’s just appeared, irregularly. So, it wasn’t very strange for me to buy a Santa.

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Merry Christmas
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Merry Christmas

As always, I’m waiting for the kid to get up. Kid as in one, and he’s not a kid, although to me he’s still about six. In the old days, it was the kids, as in three.

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Going Well
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Going Well

When things are going well, things are going well. Finished putting up the outside lights yesterday. Strung them on the gate with zip ties, ran them up the drive on little stakes, twelve inches from the edging, 24 inches apart. Well, that was the plan.

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