Odds and Ends
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Odds and Ends

For the last two years my son and I have watched a little tree that sprouted in our garden, wondering what it was. We know now. It’s a peach tree.

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Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson


I am on bended knee begging forgiveness. I have sullied the reputation of ground squirrels with my allegations of peach pilfering.

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Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


There was joyful noise in the house yesterday, children were underfoot while adults worked in the kitchen. The neighbors, even though they live fifty miles away, came to help me, a solitary soul can his fruit.

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Laundry Elves
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Laundry Elves

Yesterday, I was fretting about squirrels and peaches. Today, it’s elves. I did laundry yesterday and I have no idea where all those clothes came from.

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Night Visitors
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Night Visitors

Here we go. Summer. The morning air is hot and heavy. With no rain, it will keep building like this, until one morning it will feel like I’m living in an oven.

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