Boy Meets Mountain
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Boy Meets Mountain

I think I’ve fallen in love. West Texas. Big Bend. The high peaks of the Chisos. The Bofecillos. The calderas of The Solitario and Pine Canyon. The clotted veins of dried lava tubes. The sky-high piles of volcanic ash doing its best to cover the remnants of dead seas.

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Star Light
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Star Light

Travel day. The road awaits. Friends are at the end. And music. But if I’m honest. It’s the friends that count. The one with whom I’ll travel, and those we’ll both soon see.

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Party On
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Party On

Big day yesterday. Drove into Big Bend. Went down to the river. I’m happy to report the Rio Grande is still flowing. I looked into Mexico. No one was out and about. It was too hot.

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Project Day
Grief John W Wilson Grief John W Wilson

Project Day

Yesterday was project day. I finished installing new LED light fixtures in the utility room, replacing the old fluorescents after one of them died.

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Star Light
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Star Light

There was a second big storm yesterday. This one brought hail and rain. My son and I pulled our vehicles under the carport and watched the ice fall.

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The Routine
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

The Routine

Looked at the moon last night in the clear cold air; had to crane my neck, it was almost directly overhead. We have some reclining lawn chairs I could have used for a longer view, but it was a spur of the moment thing and I was only out there to bring it the cat food.

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