Making Do
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Making Do

It looks as though another dreary day is in store. Not bad for winter, however, and rain in any form is good. So, I’ll take it.

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Counting Day
John W Wilson John W Wilson

Counting Day

One of the pleasures of Christmas decorations is the morning ritual of turning on the lights. I go from place to place in the house flipping switches, touching foot pedals. I turn on the lights of the tree, for the angels, for the nativity. I illuminate the dark corners.

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Party Time
Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson

Party Time

Started stringing Christmas lights yesterday. I put up the hard ones. The icicle lights that hang from the gutters. They require a ladder. Boo.

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Life, Grief John W Wilson Life, Grief John W Wilson


Handed out candy to kids last night. It was fun. Had to drive to a friends house to do it. But it was worth the trip. Got a good meal. A nice drink. And plenty of camaraderie.

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New Tradition
Grief John W Wilson Grief John W Wilson

New Tradition

Both my teams won yesterday. Collegiate. Professional. I feel good. And I am still at a loss to explain how I missed the Astros in the World Series last year.

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Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson


It is hard to believe Thanksgiving is almost upon us. But there it is, and my preparations continue.

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A Meditation
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

A Meditation

It’s Sunday and the big four-day weekend is nearly over. Thanks has been given for family, friends, and whatever blessings have fallen my way.

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Happy Holidays
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

Happy Holidays

I’m on schedule to miss Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family. Too much risk for these old bones. I’m sure I’ll be argued with, and there’s probably some sort of risk aversion analysis to prove I’m being overly cautious, but I’d rather hear Ruthie Foster sing about when death comes knocking than actually have it happen.

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