Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson


My new schedule seems to be agreeing with me. Weekends are free of alarm clocks and the pressure of writing. Weekdays still find me at the keyboard before daylight, but I’m sleeping later and better so that’s a win.

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A Season
Life John W Wilson Life John W Wilson

A Season

Well, dang. I anticipated rain all day yesterday. It never came. At least not to me. It was just warm and muggy. Real Texas winter weather.

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Burning Bright
Grief, Life John W Wilson Grief, Life John W Wilson

Burning Bright

All the leaves are brown and mostly on the ground except for the evergreens and a few of the oaks reluctant to drop their treasure. Winter is here and its cold.

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A Good Break
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

A Good Break

I made a pot of beans yesterday. Which seems relatively mundane until you realize it took a crock pot eight hours to do it. And yesterday there were people unable to even heat themselves much less run a crock pot for eight hours.

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