The Haven

We had a high of 94 yesterday in our little town. Today it is expected to hit 97. But it’s cool this morning, and there are a few clouds about. So, it’s a nice walk around the trees to look at the plants. The blackfoot daisies have settled in and made themselves to home, as has the Gregg’s Mist Flower. Deep in the garden the two false mallows are standing tall along with my little stand of coral sage. And right outside my back door a snow white crape myrtle is blooming.

The silver pony foot that escaped the pots where it started life has now decided to stick around and do ground cover work. It staked out a nice spot just along the drive to call home. I can see it out the kitchen window. Right next door is the old lavender plant that set out runners to root and has now turned into three feral plants living it up in the wild. Hat’s off to the survivors. And speaking of survivors, the volunteer mesquites along the fence and in the wildflower garden have flowers as well.

There’s enough beauty within easy reach of these old feet that I feel covered up and grateful. Heck, even the wildflowers in the yard and in the back lots are still putting on a show. And let’s remember the young trees that are beginning to look something like the big adults they will eventually come to be. They are casting long shadows and giving homes to bird and bees and butterflies. It’s safe to say I’m blessed with this peaceful little haven that I call home.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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