The Key

Here we are. August 4. The second anniversary of my wife’s death. Last year I took off my wedding ring. It seemed as good a time as any to admit the obvious. As a fan of the Victorian era, it was also the official end of my year of mourning. This year, I’m going to do a 21st century thing. I’m going to change my Facebook relationship status. Again, another nod to the obvious.

After that I’m going to get a massage. I had another doctor to see yesterday, for my eyes. It was the final checkup post cataract surgery. All’s well. Vision in both eyes is 20/20. No need for glasses except to read. My reflux medication from the Tuesday doctor seems to be working, but the caffeine withdrawal headache is something else. This morning I’m drinking a mixture of honey, milk, and water. Tasty. I’m not real sure what sort of boost it will give me as I start my day, but it keeps the hands busy.

As for the widow bit, I think I’m doing pretty well with the hand I’ve been dealt. Life is different for sure; it is definitely odd being alone after being together for more than 50 years. But friends and family have done a great job of providing support and being there for me these last two years. I suspect they’ll continue that effort, and I’ll continue taking things one day at a time and being grateful for the gifts I have. Because, in the end, counting your blessings may actually be the key to happiness.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

No Bounds


The Doctor