The Loss

Three friends.  More than fifty years together. Lots of laughs. Lots of parties. Lots of dancing. Lots of football. Yesterday we sat there together on our metal seats, backs against the concourse wall. Comfortable. Our team jumped out to a two touchdown lead. Surrendered it. The rains came. Lightning flashed. The game was delayed. When played resumed the visitors scored. They never looked back. We looked on, a little dismayed. Eventually, the game ended. We lost.

In the long run of things this was just another game, another loss and there’s always next week and that’s why we buy season tickets. To sit there every game with one another and talk and remember other games, other wins, other losses, but mostly remember the camaraderie of long-time friends and different seats at different stadiums, because our Houston Cougars have played in the Astrodome and then back home at Robertson stadium, before getting their current digs and we’ve watched games in all of them.

And although there were three of us yesterday at times where as many as ten. Five couples. We’re down to three couples now being as two of us lost spouses. But we still make games and see one another when we can, and always stay in touch because the memories are good and we love one another and wear lots of Cougar red because it is our school and we’re true and those college days were good days when friendships were formed and bonds built and young lives started to become old lives covered now with a nice patina of love.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

The Gift

