The Next Day

Trailhead to Guadalupe Peak

Well, that was an interesting exercise. Five days. Writing every day, getting ready for the next day. Usually, I do what I’m doing now. Sit down in the morning and write. I guess the hardest part was trying to be consistent with the theme. It feels as though it worked. I may go back, gather up the pieces, and try to do one long piece. But sometimes it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie. At the same time, I also built some videos of the trip and previous trips. That was fun, too. Now all that’s left is getting on with it. This new phase. I did manage to get the trash out this morning. So, it feels as though I’m heading in the right direction.

Next week I’m going to DC with my daughter and her family to visit her husband who is stationed there, and that’s the easiest way to explain what he’s doing. It means I won’t get to have the little post-Thanksgiving party I’ve had the last two years where I decorate the house for Christmas, have people over with their children and we go watch fireworks and see the well lit trees courtesy of the Pedernales Electric co-op. But life is all about change. Take this little show I was part of via Facebook live, Cooking with Mom. For nearly two years, it was every Sunday, religiously, and I had fun, and it was a real life saver. But then life. We haven’t done a live show since May. Have no idea when we’ll do another.

Basically, I think we’re evolving. We spent a day a while back shooting material for a number of short features, and that may be a good path going forward. But there’s also the possibility the entire project may simply peter out. Because commitment is hard. It involves sacrifice. And sometimes, when you’re called upon to do it, you find more important things demand your attention, and that is totally understandable. And with that I’ll leave you with the last short we produced and hope you enjoy it.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

My Epoch


Part Five: Going Home