The Symphony

Here I am again, in Houston, babysitting the two little grandchildren. We had the place to ourselves last night. Their mother took the evening off to be with friends. We ate pizza and some ice cream, watched movies, and then went to bed. It was a simple evening, but the best kind. They did as they were asked, brushed their teeth, read a bit before lights out, and went to sleep without a fuss.

I feel blessed to have the opportunity to shelter these little ones, to love them, and give them hope. In the symphony of my life, they are two nice melodies to add to the score. Yesterday, on the way to school, we even sang Hit the Road Jack. That was nice. I’m glad they listen to music with their mother and know songs and why shouldn’t they, she listened to music with me and her mother and we knew songs.

And now they’re part of my symphony just as is everyone else in my life. Everyone is playing their parts, sometimes big, sometimes small. Sometimes they go away, a motif that didn’t pan out. Sometimes they stay, as accents, color, hints, a lingering theme. Sometimes they become the main theme, the over-arching melody. But again, it’s all part of the symphony, the song. And right now I’m happy the music is still playing and I can hear it and there are melodies I love.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

The End


New Tomorrow