Today’s Forecast

It is odd in the first days of August to look out the kitchen window and see a lawn of intense green. A lawn that would make a suburban dad proud. A lawn that would make an HOA smile. A lawn that speaks of a surfeit of water. A lawn that speaks of rain. A lawn that gleams and maybe dreams of becoming a fairway or even a green, tightly mowed and slick.

But I have such a lawn and I have it because it has rained. Not incessantly, but enough over the days since spring that the ground is still soft. We also have been spared domes of stale air, trapping heat giving us unending days of triple digit temperatures, making it nigh impossible to water grass even unreasonable, allowing only the trees to be watered at night because they will shade the ground at their feet and horde their water.

Yes, it has been a soft summer in the Hill Country. A nice change from the last several years. Although, one is loath to speak of it in public because August is only now at hand, and September, despite it dubious connection with Fall, is also out there in the wings. Both have bad reputations for heat, and even they hearing us speaking they might bring it, although they also bring hurricanes, and that might mean more rain. So, I have my fingers crossed and my mind set on today and the loveliness that I see. A green lawn, tall plants, and trees with new leaves.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

The Trees


Doing Things