Trade Days

Fell in love this past Friday. Again. Visited Trade Days in Fredericksburg. Was instantly transported back to the early 70’s, the first days of my marriage, and the flea markets we used to visit to find treasures for our new home. It was the days of more time than money and second-hand goods were highly valued. One such market was in Pearland and I think it’s still there. quite a jaunt in the pre-tollway days. But one worth taking.

I still have Christmas presents I bought there, and I’m certain most of my 2023 Christmas shopping will take place just down the road in Fredericksburg. In fact, I bought an impromptu gift for some friends while on the Trade Day grounds. Gave it to them. They loved it. I also drank a beer. Listened to music. Ate barbecue. It was wonderful. A nice pastiche of old and new. In fact, I was struck by the number of artisans on hand, working in wood, soap, and metal. Amazing, and fun.

I think in the days of mass production it’s good to go out and find one of a kind treasures, where you can meet the craftsman who built it. Granted, you might pay a bit more, but what does it matter in the long run. Not much really. It’s why I visit local butcher shops. We have one in my hometown and another just down the road toward Fredericksburg. Local. Slightly less industrial. Feels more personal. I love it. And there’s the good bit. Love and personal connection. Two things that are always nice to have.

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John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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