
Got back from Houston yesterday and the house was clean. It used to mean one of the kids had a party while we were gone. Now it just means the cleaning lady came on Friday after I departed the scene. No matter. It still feels nice to walk into a tidy house. I took a short nap, ate a brief meal, and went to listen to music and visit with friends. Mission accomplished on both accounts.

Today’s a day of rest then next week I’m back to Houston for a doctor’s appointment. Sometimes I think I might need an apartment there again. We had one when I worked three days a week. It was a nice getaway for both of us, my wife and I. I’m pretty sure, however, its no longer in the budget for this fixed income retiree, but it’s fun to imagine and think back on the good old days.

Still, Houston is like a big planet for me, exerting a huge pull, and it’s hard not to look back and think of all the good times, and wonder what I might be missing, because you can definitely make a life for yourself in a city that big and diverse. But then again, I’ve always counseled one should never look back and you find your peace where you make it. And since this is where I find myself this is where I’ll most likely stay and make the best of it, at least until the wind blows and something else comes along.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

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Here He Comes


The City