
The lawn and drive are trimmed and tidy. Today, I’ll edge around the back porch. I have no lifting restrictions. The only warning was to avoid prolonged activity that brings me to the point of exhaustion. Fair enough. I think I can do that. I believe the key will be to rest and keep hydrated. No job around the house needs eight hours of my attention, and no big hikes are planned until November. For the latter, I will train. Did three miles yesterday. Just to loosen the legs. And that was in addition to the yard work.

My legs are heavy this morning, but I think the new plumbing has something to do with that. I have an appointment with my primary care provider next Tuesday. He specializes in sports medicine. I have questions for him, and I’m sure he’ll have answers. My follow-up with the vascular surgeon isn’t until July, which seems a long way off. But that check up involves CT scans. In the run up to that appointment, I think I’ll focus on walking and yard work and maybe play a little golf. I want my stents to have every chance to settle in and enjoy life with me. You know, feel like one of the team.

When it comes to healing, I think attitude is everything. Mine feels good right at the moment. I was in a hard funk pre-surgery, but that’s normal for me. I think the worst. Accept the possibility. And get on with it. After all, when you die you die. No one wakes up and goes, dang, I’m dead. There’s no regret. Everything else, I felt ready to deal with and the odds were in my favor. Of course, there’s no telling what tomorrow might bring. But you can never tell what tomorrow might bring. You just do what you need to do right now, and right now I’m going to go slow and give everything a chance to heal.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


Little Miracles


The Process