Usable News

Breaking news. The big red bull in the pasture is an interloper. Apparently, he broke through the fence from a neighboring pasture and just started chatting up the ladies, uninvited. We’ve all seen that sort of guy show up at a party. Apparently, however, Tank, the bull in residence had been on the job for the previous month and it’s believed that all the heifers had been adequately serviced.

I got this news where you get lots of news in a small town, at the grocery store yesterday. My cousin and her husband who own the pasture behind me were doing their weekly grocery shopping, while I was in for a loaf of bread and some ginger snaps. We stood there and talked. In addition to the bull news, I learned they have a new puppy, and their hands have the bite marks to prove it. I think my cousin would like to shoot the little dog, but her husband says she’s that way with all the new dogs until they depart the puppy stage. Good news for the dog.

The weather today is scheduled to be five degrees warmer than it was yesterday, which means my next foray to hear music this afternoon might have only the slightest of chills. That’s good. Luckily, I have nice coats and the place where I’m going has little gas fire pits in their tables. And they work. It should be fun, and I believe a number of my friends will be there. And that will be good, too. It will be a nice way to pass the day. Meanwhile, I checked the yard work. It’s still there, waiting patiently for me to re-engage and I’m good with that. It’s still only January and spring is a ways off.

 John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



Cow Time