Vac Day 2.1

Drove into town yesterday, Austin. Queued up. Got my shot. It was the second of the two dose Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Drove toward home. Stopped. Bought a few supplies in case of immobilization. Went home. Ate most of a bag of corn tortilla chips. It was an impulse buy. They were tasty. I should have rationed them. Had a zoom call with friends. Ate dinner. The left arm was already sore. It’s sore this morning, too. Nothing else to report, so far.

The skies are gray today with a nice breeze out of the south. It’s supposed to be unseasonable warm this weekend. I have no firm opinion on whether that is good or bad. I’ll just have to experience it and see how it goes. My gut tells me it might feel a little odd. After all, this is January and who needs an 80-degree day in the middle of January? I’ll tell you. No one. All it will do is set alarm bells ringing for what it might be like in August, and 80 in January means hard triple digits in August.

The hogs are back in the park next door. The ground beneath the big grove of pecan trees inside the park looks as though it’s been plowed. They’re also working their way up the service road toward the back entrance of the park. I imagine one of these days we’ll see the signs go up warning people to avoid the park at night. It’s a nice reminder that our little town is still country enough to have wild hogs digging up yards and posing a threat, even as we pass out the most modern of vaccines to ward off another menace smaller than a second. I guess life is just full of threats.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Vac Day 2.2


Vac Day 2.0