Vac Day 5

Information traveling at the speed of light is the blessing and the curse of the internet. Arcane scientific debates get played out in full view and people woefully ignorant of any facts get to have opinions. I say this because there is now a claim that the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine may be less than advertised. In the old days, this information would have appeared in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. A few people would have read it, commented on it, argued about it and most likely it would have never percolated into public view. Now it’s out there for all to see, instantly.

As for me, I’m going to ignore this little brouhaha. I have no way to gauge the accuracy of the statement or any of the arguments for or against it. In my tiny, old person book, the FDA has approved the vaccine for emergency use, this is an emergency, and any percent of protection is better than no percent. Plus, I’m still wearing a mask, socially isolating, distancing, and doing all that related stuff like washing my hands. This is easy. This is a virus. The only way to catch it is from someone else. Although apparently minks can carry it, but when was the last time anyone in Texas saw or handled a mink, except for a coat?

At the moment, I’m way more attuned to cedar pollen which is stuffing up my sinuses after being blown around on the cool breezes from the north. And speaking of cool breezes, it appears my desire for winter is answered. We’ve had snow and lots of cold days. That should be good for my peaches. I know it’s good for my psyche. Generally, speaking, I dislike January and February, but I’m making an effort this year to enjoy them. It gives me something to do and may have beneficial side effects, like improving my mood and disposition, or helping to heal my broken heart.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Just One Touch


Vac Day 4