Way Back

Took a walk down memory lane yesterday. Drove to the University of Houston. Parked. Went to the building formerly known as the University Center, UC for short. Now, it’s the South University Center. The interior of the building is much the same as it was in the 70s, just glitzier. The bookstore is in a different location, but it’s there. I went in and bought a coffee mug to keep at my daughter’s house, and a license plate frame for my car.

It didn’t take long for the memories to flood in. I came back for my second go at the university in 1970, the year I got married. It was an intense time. Perfect for memory building. I built a lot of them, the sort that make it easy to yearn for the sweet days of youth when the world was full of promise. And at this very moment I’m thinking of a song, Try to Remember, and I am. And I have no idea why early folk music was so full of slow, mournful ballads, but it was, and I embraced it.

And now the kids are up, and we’re getting ready for day three of school, and this feels like real-time reporting, and it is, sort of, because this is what’s happening as I write. I’m helping the little ones make school day memories, because I’d like them to have memories as sweet as mine, because I think that helps to get you through the hard times when they come, and they will. So, that’s it for now. I’ve got work to do.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


Week One


Day Two