Weather Thoughts

Weather Thougts.JPEG

Winter is having trouble making up its mind. I had a spring-like day on the golf course yesterday with my brother. Today promises more of the same, warm weather not golf. Winter must have forgotten it has a job to do and let spring back in the house. I hear tell it’s going to get cold again tonight, however, but I’ll believe it when I see it. And no one can tell me where the rain went; I think one of the Niños has it. That bodes ill for this spring and summer and stirs drought memories, which are memories best left unstirred.

Luckily, I’m in one day at a time mode, and the future is having to take care of itself, partly I think because I’ve discovered the future is always right around the corner and pretty much has a mind of its own with lots of surprises and can take care of itself. So, while things feel pretty comfortable right at the moment, I understand the future is standing there wondering if now would be a good time to pull the rug out from under things simply because the rug needs pulling or it would be fun or something like that.

I know that sounds pessimistic, but all it means to me is that I should do the best I can and understand there are a fair number of things over which I have only modest control. if any. Take the weather, please. No. I’m kidding that’s a play on a Henny Youngman joke, which only goes to show how old I am. But back to the weather. It’s odd these days and I suspect my presence along with close to eight billion other people might be one of the reasons why. But I don’t have the inclination or energy to argue with even one person, much less 8 billion. Besides there are smarter people than me making the case and I know we can change because at one point we all wore animal skins and lived in caves.

John W Wilson

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