Weather Words

After last summer, I swore if another string of 100 degree days fell upon me, I would head north until it cooled. Mother nature must have wanted me in Texas, however, because so far, this summer has been delightful. We are ten degrees below normal. Rain falls as if its expected. And it’s actually pleasant to be outside, if you don’t mind a mosquito bite or two. All the trees and plants are growing like mad. It’s encouraging.

I’d like to think it’s a sign of better times, but it’s blazing in Idaho and Montana, so I assume what we have now, here in Texas, is simply a last gasp of a warming world, a little reminder of what we once had. Too bad. We had a chance to take our fate into our own hands, but humans being humans we fell to bickering. There might still be time to fix things, but it will fall to a younger generation. I hope they hurry. I’m unsure as to how much time is left.

Speaking of younger generations, I love watching all the news about Taylor Swift concerts. It’s uplifting seeing crowds of young women and their men singing and enjoying life and treating one another with love and respect. Compare that to crowds of soccer fans who also sing and enjoy their games until they spill out into the city, get drunk and destroy things or don’t like the way the game goes and decide to hurt people. Give me Taylor, music, and decency any day.  And cool weather with a little rain.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

My Frenemy

