We’re Off

And so, the journey begins. Today I head to Houston for an evening with my daughter and two grandchildren. Then tomorrow we head to the home of my oldest son. We might play guitars. We will certainly eat good food. Then on Monday morning, it’s off to Memorial Herman and the Heart and Vascular Institute where the good doctor will slide a catheter into one leg then the other and insert stents to repair the aneurysm in the abdominal section of my aorta and the two smaller ones in each of my iliac arteries. It’s a little cluster.

If all goes well, it will be one night in the hospital, then a week at my daughter’s house with no driving. It’s indeterminate after that, it depends a great deal on the first part of the equation, if all goes well. I have no reason to believe it won’t, it did for my father when he had the same procedure at an age slightly older than mine. And the doctor doing my procedure is world renowned and literally edited a book on the subject.

As for myself, I feel in good health and good spirits. I’ve been getting in my walks. I’m at a good weight. I don’t smoke. And I drink so little I could almost be considered a non-drinker. I’m also prepared for a stiff trial if one presents itself. Pain is a part of any procedure, and the human body is a mysterious thing. I’ve had a good talk with mine to let it know what’s coming but I have no idea if it listened. So, we’ll just have to see, but I have faith, I know my friends and family are holding me in their hearts and praying for me. I feel this is something that will make my journey through my new Guadalupian era a success. And I believe in the power of positive thinking.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


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Trees and Plants