What We Did

There is probably of law of physics that speaks to the acceleration of a six year old boy as it relates to his physical proximity to the adult male charged with looking out for him. There is probably a corollary to that law that describes how the law is applied when the acceleration happens within a confined space. Say, a store, especially when the store is full of what might be perceived as high value items.

I know for a fact the doppler effect comes into play because if the six year old boy is moving anywhere near the speed of light, which apparently he is, he is surely moving faster than the speed of sound. This means the sound of his name being called will never reach his ears, or if it does it will be at such a low pitch it will be indecipherable, and the adult male charged with his care will need to overcome inertia and get moving.

Anyway, we spent a nice day yesterday in Fredericksburg with the grandkids. Did some shopping, see above, and ate lunch with friends. We then came home to splash around in the pool and bury a piece of chicken we brought home from lunch in a fit of whimsy and the hope a chicken tree would sprout. After dinner we all got treated to ice cream, watched a bit of TV, and then marveled at the magic trees just off the back porch because the laser lights came on at dark. This doesn’t seem like a lot when I sum it up like this but trust me. It was.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


Another Day


A Break from Routine