What We Had

Celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of my friends’ wedding yesterday. It was nice to see everyone. It made me think of my fiftieth wedding anniversary. It happened during Covid. June 2020. My wife was in memory care, and she died a month later. It’s nice to think that we made fifty years, but it’s sad to think my wife had no idea. Although, I like to imagine somewhere deep inside she knew simply because of the looks she gave me when we were able to meet that sad year.

Now, here I am and nearly four years have passed. I had a stone wall built yesterday. One I had imagined for years. It’s an edging to the little tiff yard I put in for my wife. The yard has greened up nicely with the recent rains, and I hope I can keep it that way this summer. The little flower garden in the middle is doing well, too. Turks caps, Gregg’s Mist Flower, and wild onion. The centerpiece, a Mexican Plum tree my son planted is taller than head high and next year it may start casting shade and growing fruit. We shall see.

I have other yard and garden things in the works as well, and it feels good to have projects in hand along with the will to do them. Although, I know it’s probably one of those psychological tricks we pull on ourselves to help us feel in control. Still, I’m down for it. It’s a position I can defend. Me and my plot of land, with my cats and my birds and my plants. And I think my late wife would approve because she almost always enjoyed my willingness to garden because I suppose she understood that not only would I bring her flowers, but I’d grow them for her, as well.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


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