What’s Happening

We might get rain today. In terms of the things that could happen today, that’s pretty good. We need rain. Of course, lots of other things could happen, but you can’t spend a lot of time fretting about them, because obviously some of them could be bad. At this moment, I’m just trying to get this essay done, because I will freely admit nothing significant has popped into my head. It happens sometimes.

I had a good weekend with friends, we listened to a lot of music, made a lot of good conversation, and stayed up late, which is no longer in my wheelhouse. It used to be, but I’m older now, as my body reminds me constantly, and it needs its sleep. I got nearly eight hours last night, which is another thing you do as you get older. Count your sleep. At least I’m not logging bowel movements.

Later today, a friend and I are going to a local brew pub to do an open mic. Big step from our picker’s circle circuit, which consists of our friend’s front rooms. Today we will encounter strangers. But that’s okay. Being as they’re strangers, we’d like them to find our music pleasing, but being as they’re strangers it’s not like we’re risking a friendship. Heck, we might even gain a friend or two. That feels like a plus. Plus, back in the far distant past, I’ve played in public before. That’s how I met my late wife because music draws people together.

John W. Wilson is the author of the Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


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