What’s Up Buttercup

Whats Ups Buttercup.JPG

The winds are restless. They blew yesterday and they’re blowing hard today. Somethings up. I hope it’s a big weather event. That would be nice. A drenching rain. I suppose I could look at the forecast, but I think I’m just going to watch the weather and see what it does. Probably not the way to do it in the 21st century, but at this point, I’m not real happy with this century so I don’t really care.

Although now that I think about it, I should back up a bit. I started a business at the beginning the century and it turned 20 years old this year and helped fund my retirement. My daughter and my sons all worked in the business and one still does. So, maybe it’s not the 21st century that’s the issue. There’s a thought. I should probably entertain it. I wonder if it likes wine, most likely whiskey. You never know about centuries, partly, I guess, because you never get to experience the entire thing.

Think about the 20th century. At this point in America, in 1920, you would have just finished up with the Spanish Flu and the great war, and still ahead would have been the depression and another war, bigger than the last, then Korea and Vietnam. Now there’s a century that started out as a hair puller. Of course, it ended up pretty well. So, maybe there’s still a chance for this century to make something of itself. But at this point, I just hope it rains today.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


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