Wonky Gut Blues

Turks Caps in the morning sun with a Mexican Plum tree in the middle for shade one day.

On Wednesday of last week my intestinal system went on the fritz and became a water works. I applied my usual over the counter remedy to no avail and went to see a nurse practitioner or a physicians assistant, not sure which, on Friday because I knew it would be an emergency room visit if I waited until the weekend. The word was indeterminate. I didn’t hurt in any way that indicated anything serious, there was no fever, and there was no blood to be seen. So, I was left with bug, virus, wonky gut, or bad food. It was go home. Drink plenty of fluids and wait.

Activity is usually a good thing when it comes to the gut. It likes it when you move around. So, I stayed active and upright as much as I could. Weeded in the garden. Planted plants. Took a trip to Houston to watch the Cougars. Drank plenty of fluids and ate chicken soup, crackers, and yogurt. In every case I was always mindful of my proximity to a bathroom. Last night was my first good night during the entire ordeal, and the morning is working out, too. I may be healed. We’ll see how the day goes.

In the meantime, I’m still going to try and work in a visit with my doctor. I like to keep him apprised of my ups and downs in case at some point he sees a pattern that might indicate something more serious. I’m at a stage in my life where something more serious seems a distinct possibility partly because of the age of the system in question. Things wear out. Sort of like my car that just got a new wheel bearing and tires. So, that’s where I’ve been the last several days in case anyone was wondering, staying close to bathrooms.

John W Wilson

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