
I was driving in the workaday world last week and realized I was just background noise to the people going to work and doing their jobs. Practically speaking, I was invisible. It felt empowering. It felt magical, like I could move around, unseen, slipping between the seams of daily life, uncaring as to even what day of the week it was. Doing my chores, running my errands, living a peaceful, low key life.

And now that I’ve made that little observation, I realize it’s just that, a little observation, an odd feeling that came over me as I moved around getting things done. And maybe that’s why it struck me, because when I participated in the workaday world, the times when I could move around unobstructed were fairly limited. Most days I couldn’t just up and run an errand, I had to wait for lunch or the drive home, or God forbid, the weekend, with all the other workaday guys.

In a way, it’s like I’m a kid again. I get up in the morning, eat breakfast, dawdle around, then off I go to do as I please, when I please. Of course, no kid is actually free to do that, especially these days. But this is my childhood we’re talking about, so that’s how it feels. It’s one of those life has come around again things, I guess. And now comes the moment I don’t want to think about, the return to diapers, so why go there. It’s back to the moment, and I’m almost a kid again.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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