Working to Red

The rains came. I cleaned. I dusted. Vacuumed. Mopped. Stored. The countertops are nearly empty. The floors bare. As I suspected, my mood lifted. Improved. There is still more to do, but at least I am doing. That’s the point. When something is gaining on you, move, go. Something was and I did. Move. Blue is the slow, long light end of the spectrum. If you want red and yellow, you have to vibrate. That’s the bright light.

Still to go?  Stacks of books sitting on the living room coffee table. My geology studies. Of course, my library upstairs is full, as is the bookshelf in the bedroom. So, where to put them? That little bit of a question can derail a plan. So, I need to be careful and keep the planning from turning into a month long voyage of inactivity, an I’ll-get-to-it-later moment. I can do it. I have strength of purpose today, and it’s raining so there’s no outside work to do.

If I was any sort of writer, at this point, I would quote a famous philosopher. But I am bereft of quotes. I tend to make this stuff up as I go along. It’s just me trying to make sense of what I’m doing. And besides, most of those people like to say what life is and I think life has a fluid quality to it that’s hard to define and when you get tied up thinking something is something and it turns out differently, there will be trouble. So, if you will excuse me, I’m going to sort and move a few books, because that’s how I chase away the blues. Work.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



Lowish Day