World Beater

I have a love hate relationship with my sinuses. Normally, I think they’re cool. We breathe in and out and everything is good. I do my best to keep out the viruses and bacteria. But every once in a while, something gets in and we’re off to the races. My latest bout started in mid-December. Got better over Christmas, worsened, got better over New Years, and took off again this past Monday. I finally went to the doctor. Lingering infection. Got a shot. Antibiotics. I’m back to using my nasal rinse. I can breathe. Partially.

I would love to know how and why bacteria like to set up shop in my sinuses. What makes them so appealing? Maybe I’m just at the age where my immune system has had enough and no longer cares to carry on the struggle. I wish we could have talked about it. I guess I’ll just have to be more diligent at supplementing the system. I have vitamins and take them, but it’s irregular. Like any prophylactic, if you want it to work you have to do it. Regularly. And those cats. Four is two, too many, in my book. There’s a lot of poop and urine in my yard, and I stir up the dust when I mow. I’ll take downsizing suggestions if you’ve got them. They have to be legal.

In the meantime, I’m using my nasal rinse and wearing a mask when I mow although I suspect in the latter case it’s not nearly high enough quality to help. Of course, that’s easily remedied. And I’ll do that in just a bit. Sometimes, all it takes to get motivated is to start feeling better and have a burning desire to stay that way. Of course, we all know how quickly desire fades. I’ll just have to see if I can be mature enough to hold the course and do what’s right. Since I enjoy being healthy, you’d think it would be easy. But that is where overconfidence comes into play. It’s a good bet, the minute you start feeling like a world beater the world will show up and prove you wrong.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

End Times


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